“Eddie, thank you for sending us your fantasy football board and labels, along with the savory sausages, Virginia sandwiches, deviled eggs, and beverage of choice…it made our draft a success. 馃檪 As you can see from the attached pictures, I attached fantasy board and labels by position on my garage door, which my owners loved! Also, the person who finished last season, gets to draft 1st this season…like in most leagues, but we want to make sure nobody is throwing the last few games just to get the first pick the following season, so as you can see in the attached picture, last season’s owner gets to wear coconuts and a grass skirt to draft his team this year. 馃檪 Obviously not as good-looking as the ladies on your website, but he is an owner, so what can you expect. 馃檪
Take care and thanks again”
-Kelly, VA