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6th Annual Fantasy Armageddon Football Draft

“Eddie, thanks again for hooking us up with another set of labels and a new fantasy football draft board when the first one was destroyed in the mail. That showed some true class.” -6th Annual Fantasy Armageddon Football Draft
December 4, 2021

The Ghetto Fantasy League – Houston, TX

“Wanted to submit our league’s pic and say thanks for a great product! It made our leagues first live draft go great. Looking forward to using it in again in all our fantasy football drafts in the future.” -Andrew Lay- Commisioner of the Ghetto Fantasy League, Houston, TX
December 4, 2021

Knighthawks FFL – AZ, CA, and CO

“Just want to thank you guys for being the greatest fantasy football draft board site out there. We have been using your Commish Kit draft boards for 5 years now for our 3 conference 3 draft league and wouldn’t dream of doing the draft any other way. You guys are the best and thanks so much.” – Brent, Knighthawks FFL, AZ, CA, and CO.
December 4, 2021